


95 x 160 cm

Used Program


Used Mateiral


Portrait Series *WIP

This series of portraits features baby-faced, cartoonish creatures, with distinct separations between the objects and their backgrounds through varying textures, styles, and dimensions. 

The portraits are crafted using a hybrid of digital and physical materials to explore the value of finitude and the defining properties of matter. The printed digital drawings are enhanced with handcrafted frames, while the hand-drawn portraits are integrated with digitally designed frames.

The way of drawing is also intentionally exchanged. The digitally drawn creatures are meticulously crafted by each touches to mimic physical materials such as oil paint, acrylic, watercolor, pen, fabric, paper, and glue. Stipulated symbols including English words, web icons, and randomly captured daily life images, are also used as a material, inviting viewers to engage deeply and discover hidden details. Conversely, in the physically drawn portraits, digital creation methodologies are adopted. Handmade stamps are used to replicate objects in a manner reminiscent of ctrl+C/ctrl+V, and lines are drawn without intentionality, reflecting a worship of effortless creation. This approach parallels the act of doodling during a phone call or arranging seashells to form random patterns on the beach. 




Ranging 18 to 50cm

Used Program


Used Mateiral


Invention 1 - 5 Series *WIP

The invention project is a series of random object the artist invented, focusing on pure posses rather than purposes.

This digital drawing series replicates physical creation — not only the texture but also the way of traditional painting and handcrafting. She scratches textured digital material using her finger on a trackpad or constructs objects by piling up smaller components. The act of stippling or sewing is also imitated with elaborate digital touches. 

To transform the digital art into a singular, tangible form, the printed piece were only finalized after being coated with resin in abstract shapes.

Portrait / Invention series
